Matías Baldanza

Building in Public

Párrafo nuevo

For as long as I can remember, I've been the type of person that comes up with at least a couple of project ideas a day, maybe starts a few projects a year, and usually finishes none.

Of all the things I tried, building in public is the one that's actually helping me break out of that loop.

Over the past few years, the indie hacker community (with indie hacker being just a fancy name for boostrapped entrepreneur) has embraced the building in public label, with an obvious benefit:

They get to receive early feedback from (hopefully) real users, and grow a community while they build their products.

I'm not an indie hacker, but I started learning and building projects in public in September 2022 and 8 months into it (this is May 8, 2023), I've made more progress and built more projects than ever before.

Building in public has also brought in an unexpected benefit: A community of like-minded people that bring insights, feedback, and encouragement.

From time to time, I'll be sharing some of those insights and stories here and in my blog.

Below, you will find a Changelog of this project.


  • Soft launch

    Dark mode. English-only. Footer. Basic styling. Initial articles.

  • Pre-launch

    Next.js blog using the pages router and getStaticProps(). TailwindCSS. Dark mode. Custom components.

  • Hello, World

    Basic static blog.

  • Started learning Next.js 13

    Next.js 13 tutorial at